A recent report suggests that WhatsApp is working on a new feature that would allow users to share media files like videos, images, and documents without needing an internet connection. This feature is expected to be similar to Apple’s AirDrop. Currently, it's being tested on Android devices and will soon be available for iPhones as well.
The upcoming feature will enable nearby users to exchange files wirelessly with end-to-end encryption. It appears that the way this feature operates might vary between iOS and Android devices.
Android users will be able to see nearby WhatsApp users to share media files without an internet connection, while iOS users will need to scan a QR code for the same function. Details about this new Nearby Share feature are still limited.
In addition, WhatsApp is reportedly working on two new features for Android users. One of these is on-device live translation of messages, which is available in the beta version This feature uses on-device processing to ensure that message data remains on the user's device rather than being sent to a server, enhancing privacy and speeding up translation. Initially, it will support English and Hindi, with plans to include more languages in the future.
Live transcription for voice messages is also in the testing phase, appearing in WhatsApp for Android beta version This feature is expected to be a major benefit for users who frequently exchange audio messages or have accessibility needs.
Additionally, WhatsApp has recently introduced a 'Favorites' filter for messages and calls. This allows users to search for their favorite contacts at the top of their calls tab and use this filter to streamline their chat experience.
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