
UIDAI rolls out AI-based security tool for Aadhaar authentication

The new two-factor/layer authentication has added additional fingerprint validation checks to further reduce the chances of phishing attempts. UIDAI developed t

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Monday launched a new AI-based security mechanism for Aadhaar-based fingerprint authentication and faster detection of spoofing attempts.

The new two-factor/layer authentication has added additional fingerprint validation checks to further reduce the chances of phishing attempts. UIDAI developed the artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)-based security mechanism completely in-house.

The mechanism uses a combination of the small details of the finger and the image of the finger to verify the vitality of the captured fingerprint. UIDAI said this will make Aadhaar's authentication transactions stronger and more secure.

As of the end of December 2022, Aadhaar's cumulative number of authentication transactions exceeded 88.29 billion and recorded an average of 70 million transactions per day. Most of them are fingerprint-based authentications, indicating their use and usefulness in everyday life. Authentication transactions are on an upward trend and facilitate many benefits and welfare services.

UIDAI rolls out AI-based security tool for Aadhaar authentication

This step will be of great benefit in sectors such as banking, finance, telecommunications and government. It will also benefit the bottom of the pyramid, UIDAI said, as it will strengthen the payment system that supports Aadhaar and limit malicious attempts by unscrupulous elements. The launch and migration occurred after months of discussion and deliberation by UIDAI with its partners and user agencies.

The UIDAI head office and its regional offices are in contact with all entities to facilitate any user agency that has not yet migrated to switch to the new secure authentication mode as soon as possible.

UIDAI's ongoing engagement and due diligence with Authentication User Agencies (AUA) was implemented to convince the AUA/sub AUA of the usefulness of the new modalities. AUA is an entity dedicated to providing Aadhaar-enabled services to Aadhaar Number holders using the authentication provided by the Authentication Services Agency. Subsidiary WUAs are agencies that use Aadhaar authentication to enable their services through an existing request entity. UIDAI has expressed its gratitude to all WUAs/subsidiary WUAs for their support and cooperation.

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