
In conversation with the Management Advisor of Wonder Cement, Mr. Tarun Chauhan

The corporate journey: Mr. Chauhan shares, “I have a career spanning from being a cricketer to an advertising professional. I have had the pleasure of being a

Mr. Tarun Chauhan, Management Advisor, Wonder Cement is not only a perfectionist, but innovative and visionary as well. With a vision of making Wonder Cement as one of the most preferred brand in the cement category in India, Mr. Chauhan has left no stone unturned in achieving the same. They say that, while success changes some people, few have the grounding to remain on track and Mr. Chauhan is surely one among the few. In this exclusive chat with Business2Business, Mr. Chauhan has shared with us his corporate journey and all those things that have helped him in the same:

The corporate journey: Mr. Chauhan shares, “I have a career spanning from being a cricketer to an advertising professional. I have had the pleasure of being associated with some of the world’s best agencies and was nominated as President of Lowe after being with the company for nearly 10 years. I realized that my job was getting too comfortable, so from a Senior Manager with JWT in the late 1990’s, I returned to JWT as a Managing Partner.” He adds, “ With the recent launch of TCS consulting, I now also aim to build a reservoir of the best management talent that will help companies, brand and governments win. Currently I am an advisor to Wonder Cement, where my main focus is on making Wonder Cement the most preferred brand in the cement category. I am meticulously involved in the process of building the brand and want to leave no stone unturned.”

The best part about my work: Having worked with some of the world’s best agencies, Mr. Chauhan shares, “Independence and the space they give you to grow once they trust you is the best part.”

Challenges faced: When asked about the challenges he has faced and what kept him strong during tough times, Mr. Chauhan shares, “I feel that Integrity is a value that is most critical to your job. The toughest challenge that I faced was when I had to sack some really bright people who failed this test.”

Proud moment: “There are many… All the work that makes my brands succeed makes me very proud,” shares Mr. Chauhan.  

The idea and vision behind the new commercial of Wonder Cement: Wonder Cement just launched a  new commercial that touches the chord of personal initiative for nation building. Sharing more about the same, Mr. Chauhan says, “Cement as a category has very low consumer involvement in the purchase decision. From the day we launched this brand, we have tried to have conversations with our consumers beyond the product. The baseline of the brand captures this vision. The few commercials of ours are centered around personal relationships. This time we elevated the conversation to a larger pitch. A pitch that emotionally captures the core of a Nations growth - education. If the start is perfect, the rest will be perfect.”    

Plans for Wonder Cement for this year: Mr. Chauhan shares, “We are on a growth path. We should be expanding our markets beyond our current markets.”

Other than work, which are the things that you love to do: Mr. Chauhan shares,“Agriculture. I am very fond of growing my  own food. I love spending time at my country home harvesting, padding, riding on my pet horses, etc.”

Best advice received:“Never keep anyone waiting, who ever it is. I got it from Late Anil Bhatia, my boss at JWT,” shares Mr. Chauhan

Advice for young ones: Keep things simple and straight forward. Know your weakness and don't do stuff you cannot do.

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