
10 Festive Season Sales Tricks Used by Retailers and How to Avoid Them

3. Framing Effect How You’re Psyched: This technique manipulates cognitive bias by presenting price information in a way that makes products seem cheaper. Fo

As the festive season approaches, your spending instincts are triggered, but be aware that you might be psychologically manipulated into buying more than you intended. Retailers and e-commerce platforms leverage marketing techniques based on consumer behavior to maximize sales during this period. Here are ten common tricks they use and how you can avoid falling for them.

1. The Goldilocks Effect

How You’re Psyched: Inspired by the fairy tale where Goldilocks chooses the option that is "just right," this strategy exploits buyers' tendencies to avoid extremes and opt for moderately priced options. Retailers offer products at various price points—basic, standard, and premium—leading most people to choose the standard option as it appears to offer the best value.

How to Avoid It: Avoid products with too many variants. Focus on your needs and choose the option that genuinely meets them, rather than the one that feels 'just right.'

2. Curiosity Gap Technique

How You’re Psyched: This strategy hooks curious buyers through teasers and limited information about a product or service, creating anticipation and leading them to explore further. Enticing headers and partial details often lure you into clicking and eventually buying.

How to Avoid It: Satisfy your curiosity by gathering information, but think twice before making a purchase. Always research similar products before deciding.

3. Framing Effect

How You’re Psyched: This technique manipulates cognitive bias by presenting price information in a way that makes products seem cheaper. For instance, an item priced at Rs.500 might appear more attractive when shown as 50% off from Rs.1,000.

How to Avoid It: Focus on the actual price and ignore how it's presented. Don’t be swayed by colors, fonts, or discount percentages.

4. Reciprocity

How You’re Psyched: Retailers offer free samples, demos, or discounts, making you feel appreciated and obliged to reciprocate by making a purchase or returning to the store.

How to Avoid It: Enjoy the free offerings, but evaluate if you genuinely need the product or if it’s worth paying for. Remember, no one is doing you a favor; it's part of their marketing budget.

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5. Social Proof

How You’re Psyched: This strategy leverages the human tendency to seek reassurance in others' actions. Positive reviews and celebrity endorsements can nudge you towards buying a product you were unsure about.

How to Avoid It: Check reviews only to assess product quality, not to be swayed by popularity. Ignore celebrity endorsements and buy based on your actual needs.

6. Mere Exposure Effect

How You’re Psyched: Frequent exposure to a brand or product increases familiarity, making you more likely to buy it. Advertisements boost recall value and preference for the product.

How to Avoid It: If you're brand-agnostic and price-sensitive, stick to a shopping list of what you need and avoid spur-of-the-moment purchases.

7. Door-in-the-Face Technique

How You’re Psyched: This involves offering a high-priced item first, followed by a lower-priced option, making the latter seem like a better deal. It subtly nudges you into buying something you might not have otherwise considered.

How to Avoid It: Don’t feel obliged to buy just because the salesperson offered a 'better' deal. Evaluate the product on its own merits.

8. Mirroring or Echoing

How You’re Psyched: Salespeople might subtly mimic your gestures, expressions, and speaking style to build rapport and make you more inclined to buy from them.

How to Avoid It: Focus on the product's specifications and pricing, not the salesperson's demeanor.

9. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) or Scarcity Effect

How You’re Psyched: Creating a sense of urgency, retailers push you to buy quickly by suggesting that items are available only for a limited time or are in short supply. This can lead to impulsive purchases.

How to Avoid It: Don’t let urgency dictate your purchases. The item will likely be restocked or available elsewhere, possibly at a better price later.

10. Storytelling Technique

How You’re Psyched: A knowledgeable and engaging salesperson can use storytelling to make the selling process interesting and build trust, making you more likely to purchase.

How to Avoid It: Stay focused on why you are there, the product specifications, and its value compared to alternatives. Don’t get lost in the story.

By recognizing these strategies, you can make more informed and rational purchasing decisions, avoiding unnecessary spending during the festive season.

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