
How Technology is bridging the gap between classroom and the digital

The following are some ways educators and institutions can improve their edtech strategy to connect with the new generation. Reinventing publishing: A lot of

Digital Transformation has taken the country by a storm and is disrupting every industry. The education sector is no exception. There is a rapid increase in the investment in edtech companies globally which is predicting a total investment of $252 billion by 2020. Investors are not the only people who realize the importance of technology for education, educators as well as students are flocking to solutions that will enhance their experience with a reduction in price. With a constant rise in demand from the students for better digital solutions, organizations that do not adapt to the latest technology may struggle to engage with new students.

The following are some ways educators and institutions can improve their edtech strategy to connect with the new generation.

Reinventing publishing: A lot of people thought that eBooks would replace traditional textbooks out of universities, but they are still a primary source of information for classes. The technology should focus on helping the instructor in leveraging their knowledge, dedication and skill rather than seeking to automate them away. A number of companies are working to bridge the gap between the classroom and the publishing company. Textbooks are prevalent in most classrooms, publishers have reduced the titles offered by them and have increased the price for new editions. A new approach will help make the textbooks affordable and will help solve the problem of rising costs. The price barrier should be broken down to make textbooks accessible to all the students which will result in an increase in the success of the students.

MOOC's : MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses represent a major shift in thinking for institutions. Universities are now giving away information and education freely and emphasize the importance of their expertise. The biggest and most popular MOOCs originate at MIT and Harvard. Majority students had a positive influence on their learning with MOOCs. It gives students access to real performance data that helps them much more than a grade can. It allows them to self-diagnose gaps in knowledge and use the right resources to close them. Similarly, educators are enabled to recognize problems sooner and partner the students with learning tools that can help them build their strengths. Institutions need to partner with organizations that provide a full service analysis to increase performance of the students. The online grading solutions fall short of providing essential insights for the students.

Driving Change for Education: The education industry has undergone a significant amount of change with the use of technology but it remains the same as it has been for many decades. Companies willing to drive real change should consider partnering with the right educators in order to provide sensible solutions than to reinvent the existing norms. Using digital tools can help universities stay competitive and enhance the performance of each student which should be the ultimate goal of any edtech solution. With the right partnership between educators and companies, it is possible to develop technology that will benefit both the parties in the long run.

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