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Union Budget Expectations 2017-18

From all odds and ordinary to a film maker- The journey of Jimmy Asija

In conversation with Saanchi and Shivaani Jain, Co-Founders, Once Upon A Trunk

“Trends in Retail & Loyalty to look forward in year 2017”- By Gaurav Khurana, Chief Marketing Officer, PAYBACK India

In conversation with Sanober Mukhtar Siddiqui, Founder & Director, SuperStar Entertainment Infinity

IoT for Smart Buildings- By Shubham Jain, Managing Director, JP Infra Mumbai Pvt Ltd

The growth of Iris technology in the year 2017 – By Tamaal Roy, CEO, Biomatiques Identification Solutions

Social Entrepreneurship- Combining Profit and Purpose by Hamid Farooqui, CEO, SoGoSurvey

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